Saturday, January 28, 2006

Iris's Nannies

It was a fairly tramatic time when we decided not to take Iris to day care. Not because this was months ago, but because this was just two weeks before the new year and, a day later, when Mama D would go back to work. Mama D hadn't visited the the day care center since before she was born. Nearing the eve of the end of maternity leave, she wanted to go back and check things out with her motherly eyes.

Several observations there, coupled with her gut instinct to not leave Iris behind period, gave Mama D the final conviction to proclaim that Iris wasn't going to be staying there. A few days later, I was able to join her in visiting another school, and we both came away equally dismayed! We couldn't bear the though of our little bear being tossed into a thin-carpeted pit where all the babies had snotty noses and were left to lay on the ground or in the chair unless they had become self-sufficient in the transportation department. And Iris hadn't yet.

We were already planning on Aunt Jackie staying with us for the first week, but beyond that required some scrambling. I checked around my work, but mainly found unsympathetic responses from those who couldn't understand why $100-a-week didn't present a net benefit when placed along the quality-cost axis. In our eyes, there was no such axis. Mama D had a bunch more leads, mainly from fellow teachers who have friends who have a daughter taking classes at the local college and looking for a day-time job who happen to be.... But alas none of those bore fruit, either.

Enter good Carole, a friend of ours and former protege student of Mama D's from way back. Carole was kind enough to split from her masters program and move back to town. Shortly after coming home, around Christmas, Mama D approached Carole with the idea of being a live-in nanny for at least a week since she otherwise had "no immediate plans". Thusly unable to present a better alternative, Carole agreed, and has been staying with us ever since the second week!

And, regrettably, we do not have any pictures of Iris with Aunt Jackie from the one week that she nannied (do you?). What we do have is this picture of a chef from a local sushi restaurant trying to entertain Iris with hand clapping, among other things. The connection, you ask? You see, both Jackie and Carole were with us at the restaurant this night, as Carole had just spent her first day with Jackie learning the ropes, as it were, to being a nanny. Believe me, you don't want to see the pictures of Iris being held by this guy's wife. She freaked her the freak out!


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