Saturday, April 01, 2006

We are the April Fools

Good evening everyone! As most of you know (or can read) it has been nearly two months since we've (I've) been able to update this site. Why? A good question.

And to answer all I can say is that we have been BUSY.

You see, the town we live in hosts a week-long professional sporting event of world-wide repute every year, and that week is next week. And by living here as we do, we are both blessed and cursed with the opportunity to rent our home out to parties far more interested in said sporting event, and wealthy, than we. Why do I say that? Well the blessed part is easy: $3500 for 6 nights. The cursed part? That happens when you actually try to picture your own house as a commodity, a whore of square footage for which we are the pimps, if you will, that someone is willing to pay you just that much for.

The bathroom that I had half-way fixed up before we found out that Mama D was pregnant and I had to move on to Iris's room? The torn-up dry wall and unpainted ceiling in the rear entryway from when the small section of roofing was replaced one week after Iris was born? The 15 bags or so of live oak leaves that had accumulated in our front yard since the fall? The weeds and overgrown shrubs covering half of our back yard? The front room that we could hardly walk into because of all the random crap that had piled up there? The carpet in Iris's room decimated from countless burp-ups and spit-ups and Baggie drool over the last 6 months? Taking these and about 100 other odd jobs on all of a sudden became very much a critical part to consciously accepting $3500 from someone to stay in our house, even if for less than a week.

And we're not done yet, no siree. There's about 60 hours (59 with daylight savings time) before I go to work Tuesday morning, leaving behind the house in perfect condition and awaiting our first guests. I assure you, we are far, far from perfect right now!!

I just wanted to take a breather from the exhausting work (Mama D is passed out on our new futon, snoring) and just say a quick hello and ensure everyone out there that indeed Iris is alive and well, growing furiously, and that although we have not been keeping up with this blogsite, we have definitely continued to take pictures and movies and note significant dates and stories so that when the day comes when we are free, we can hammer all this stuff out and give you all a few hour's worth of new material to peruse. I hope to make it all worth it, that is if anyone hasn't given up completely on us yet..

For now, this will have to do (taken Wednesday 3/29 by Nanny Carole):

Soon Later


Blogger Ellen said...

That's one of the best pictures I've seen of your girl. She gets cuter every day.

12:07 PM  

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